Thursday, June 14, 2007

Exercise Your Power to Stop Theirs

Please notice a new link on this page called Vote To Impeach Cheney. If you use it to contact usalone, you will find a gateway to lots of good information. Right now, you can use it to vote your mind about the impeachment of dick Cheney. You may vote either way, so no matter what you think of the idea, please vote.

A couple of weeks ago, I sent another link around to several friends of mine including a fellow tennis umpire whom I hold in especially high esteem. He is a thoughtful man, but he refused to enter the impeachment fray on the grounds that impeachment would never happen and he wanted his Senators and Representatives to work on the nuts and bolts that keep our country running.

I didn’t respond to him because I did not want to seem argumentative at the time, but just in case you feel the same as he did, I will say here that I do not buy that argument. My feeling is that if we just ignore this administration’s lies, sins, and – yes -crimes then we are giving tacit permission for future administrations to do the same and more. I believe that if this administration’s transgressions are allowed to stand, we are no more than a couple of generations away from authoritarian rule so terrible that we would look back on the Bush Administration as the good ol’ days.

What this administration is doing is laying the ground work for tyranny. If the people of the country don’t show enough savvy to put a halt to it, the high and mighty will certainly take advantage of it, but too many people seem to take the position my friend has taken.

Maybe they think that time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t. Action does, but to take action a person must first recognize that action is needed. The one advantage BushCo gives us is that they are clumsy and totally unsubtle in their approach. It seems a great pity that so many citizens seem unwilling to make even the tiny amount of effort it takes to see through BushCo’s overbearing power grabs and then take action to stop it. And when all the action that’s required is to occasionally click your mouse on a meaningful link, why not do it?

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

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