Friday, February 15, 2008


Here’s a great quote for you: “Those who murder the innocent for political reasons are evil.”

Now who do you suppose said that? None other than our own ill-lustrious commander-in-thief. That’s right – George W. Bush.

Just yesterday he said that. Said it with a straight face, too. Heckuva job, Shrub.

Does this guy ever look inside himself? Could he really be so wrapped up in his “virtuous American” persona that he can’t see that he is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people? Does he really not understand that he misled us into this war for purely political reasons?

You know -- hard as it is to believe -- I think it really could be that he doesn’t understand what he’s done. He is, after all, undoubtedly the stupidest president we have ever had the misfortune of bringing into that office. He is also a man capable of convincing himself of the wildest mistruths; things like believing that he is a spiritual person and convincing himself that he stands on high moral ground. I’m sure he even believes that someday history will recognize him for the correctness of his positions and will place him on a pedestal among the great world leaders.

We never fool anyone as well as we fool ourselves.

Most of us, though, never wield enough power to hurt many folks beyond ourselves. A president can severely damage the entire world. Is there any way to ensure that the country will be much more careful about trustingly handing power to people, or that those entrusted with that power will more carefully safeguard the balance of powers in order to protect the citizenry that has given them their power?

(Hint: One thing we might consider is somehow limiting presidential signing statements designed to absolve the president of the responsibility to comply with federal law.)

We are very fortunate, given the general direction of this administration, that it has not taken the remaining few steps necessary to turn this society from a republican democracy to a totalitarian state. Hopefully, the next administration will take steps to remove the excessive powers that BushCo has taken s its right and so return us to the original balance created by the Constitution.

Any politician who says s/he wants to do that has a good shot at my vote, and so far, only Obama has said it.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

The reason for going was to keep the crude flowing and raise a false flag abroad. – from a poem by Jack Evans titled 3500 Souls -

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