Thursday, September 13, 2007

Changing American Politics

Just a quick further word about Patreaus’ testimony before Congress. A little quirk in all the discussion struck me, but I haven’t heard it discussed by anyone, so thought I’d throw it out here.

Quite a lot of emphasis has been put on the idea that Iraq would become an Al Qaida training ground or even stronghold if we pull out. However, people who said that, whether they were questioners or witnesses, also pointed out that part of the progress made in Anbar Province was due to local Sheiks deciding to side with American troops against Al Qaida. Question: If local leaders don’t want Al Qaida, why should we assume that Al Qaida will be accepted if we leave? It may be the mutual enemy that could unite the various sects of Iraqis if they had a target other than us.

Are you sick enough of the double-talk to vote them all out next fall? If so, you really ought to explore Unity08.

Here’s a link to a report on a very interesting and well constructed survey circulated by Unity08. I have been a member of Unity08 since its inception and took the survey thinking that probably most members tended toward the liberal end of the scale.

This survey reveals that I was wrong. In fact most of those who completed the survey leaned toward the Republican side of things. The results just go to show that, if the two sides could just sit down and quietly discuss things, we would all find that we are not very far apart in our opinions of how things are going.

Please take a look and, if you think it has merit, route this survey around to friends on both sides of the aisle. It just might generate some discussions that will turn out to be valuable.

Also, please consider signing up for Unity08. They really are breaking new ground and it has promise. They might even be able to field a choice we could vote for in ’08.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

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