Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Present for George and dick

I hope regular readers will forgive my silence of the past few days.

I kept telling myself that it being the Christmas holidays everybody had too much going on to be interested in surfing anyway, and that I was too busy with it all to get the job done, too. It’s a lie, though. Fact is that the past week or so has just seemed interminably flat to me.

The campaigns rattle on . . . Repulsicans can’t settle on a candidate because nobody likes anyone in the field, Demorats can’t settle on a candidate because they like them all, and I can’t settle on a candidate because nobody in the field takes a strong stand on anything.

I don’t think the Iraq war is any less a problem than it was before the surge, but all the candidates have concluded that because we’re told that the surge has calmed things down the war is no longer a hot issue. By the way, the BBC was quite busy over the holiday week-end with on-the-ground reports from Iraq explaining that the situation really hasn’t changed all that much. Yes, the areas where surge troops are operating have quieted down, but the rest of the country is still no man’s land. Yes, Iraqis were able to come out of their homes and visit secure areas, but there are still no jobs for them, no money in hand, and not much in the way of goods in the shops anyway.

The other big issue for me is the treachery of the present administration, and I have a hard time understanding why some brave Democratic candidate couldn’t gain some ground by standing up and declaring that s/he would begin the new presidency by authorizing in-depth investigations into unconstitutional behaviors of the Bush administration and setting right some of the legislative wrongs of the last eight years.

Barack Obama has alluded to that, but has not, to my limited knowledge, taken a hard stance and outlined an approach to the situation. There is no mention of it on his website or that of any other mainline Democratic candidate.

Of course, they can’t afford to sound like they are going to come into office with no finer thought in their head than to lop off George Bush’s, but I for one am sick to death of their coming off like a bunch of sheep lacking the courage to face up to the school yard bully.

They could at least, like Dennis Kucinich, display enough integrity to clearly state their revulsion at the actions of the present administration by endorsing attempts to impeach the SOBs.

Speaking of which – since you can’t expect your leaders to have the guts to do it – how about joining in the impeachment effort yourself? If you haven’t already been pushing for impeachment, here’s a way to do it. Just go to and sign on to that petition. Over 100,000 people have done so thus far, and Wexler wants to boost that to 250,000 by the first of the new year. Just think of it as your Christmas present to George and dick.

To learn more about the petition and why you and everyone you know ought to sign it, check out the radio broadcast below. It should be a dynamic program well worth listening to.

Congressman Wexler Live on Blog Radio:
WHEN: Thursday, December 18, 9:00 pm (EST)/6:00 pm (PST)
WHERE: (a link will be posted at and )
WHO: Rep. Wexler will appear live on Florida Progressive Radio with host Kenneth Quinnell of the Florida Netroots Caucus, Bob Fertick of, as well as Dave Lindorf, author of "The Case for Impeachment," and David Swanson with

Whoa, suddenly I’m finding some more energy. Maybe I’ll be back tomorrow!!

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

The reason for going was to keep the crude flowing and raise a false flag abroad. – from a poem by Jack Evans titled 3500 Souls -

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