Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Predictably, I‘ve taken some flak for my blog on my disgust with Obama’s position on the FISA bill. To refuse to vote or to vote for a third party candidate, my democratic friends say, is to vote for the Republican candidate, John McBush. Better, they say, to swallow my distaste for any particular positions Obama takes and vote for him. Otherwise a Republican gets a chance to nominate more conservative judges to the Supreme Court. You never get exactly what you want, they argue, so vote for the candidate that comes the closest. All valid points.

Okay, so maybe I wasn’t really serious when I told Obama I wouldn’t vote for him, but I was sure interested in what his staff would say in response to my angry little message. (They have a box to check if you want an answer.) Of course, their answer was – total silence!!

I’m sure that when it comes down to it, I will feel – once again – like I have no choice but to pull the lever for the Democrat. It galls me deeply, though, that in every election we are forced to settle for anyone other than someone who would put the needs of the nation’s citizens first.

I will have to say that Obama did something yesterday that will certainly help me feel better about my vote when he announced that he sees the military as being over-funded and over-blown as an actor in our foreign policy efforts. I like his plan for gradually withdrawing troops from Iraq and shifting emphasis to Afghanistan. I like his recognition of the Pentagon’s wasteful spending habits and, even more, his understanding that a strong defense and a vigorous offense are not the same thing. Of course, that kind of talk is another reason he had better beef up his security guards if he wins

There is always one other reason for voting Democrat, too, and that is the economy. The right wingers never believe that the dems are better at balancing the books, but that’s only because they are champion at ignoring facts. I heard yesterday that economic indicators of the health of the economy are at their lowest point since 1992.

Anybody remember 1992? The country was faced with a recession, and everybody was hanging onto their cash. Let’s see now – Who was president in 1992? Hmmm! That was an election year, wasn’t it? What kind of economic shape was the country in eight years later?

And in 2008, here we are facing an election. The country is faced with a recession and everybody is hanging on by their fingernails to anything they can. And who’s in power now? Hmmm! If the new president, whoever he is, can bring the country back to a balanced budget by 2016, let’s crown him king and forget this election business.

On a final note, in a gesture of recognition for our present president, the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is putting a proposal before the voters to rename the city’s waste treatment plant after W. They also plan to do a synchronized flush on January 20 the moment the new president is sworn in. It’s definitely a fitting gesture, though it might be more accurate if they named, not the treatment plant but the stuff it treats, after this president.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

The reason for going was to keep the crude flowing and raise a false flag abroad. – from a poem by Jack Evans titled 3500 Souls -

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