Monday, August 25, 2008


Here’s an interesting little news burp from CLG News:

Did McCain Help Bait Russia into Georgia? By Joe Lauria 17 Aug 2008 Who benefits most from painting this a revival of Soviet-era aggression? John McCain. The Georgian crisis has created a campaign issue McCain can run on. McCain's best chance to win, unless Obama self-destructs, is to portray himself as the Cold War-era war hero ready to do battle again against our old Cold War adversary. McCain is yesterday's man, so revive yesterday's "threat..." A compliant media will keep the phony Russian threat an issue throughout the campaign. It could even raise Condi Rice's vice presidential fortunes, as her only expertise was the former Soviet Union. The original Cold War was based on manufactured threats. The new trumped up threats about Russia will make Condi's experience "relevant" again. They can both run on Russia.

I don’t know that you can lay the Georgian conflict at the feet of John McLame, but there is no doubt in my mind that it much more the brainchild of his and W’s neocon backers than it is evidence of Russian aggression.

What the article hit on that amused me, though, was the reference to the possibility of Condasleeza Rice being McLame’s running mate. What a quandary that would create for the nation's subliminal bigotry.

As it stands the polls show McLame gaining substantial ground on Obama, which is no real surprise when you take into account the fact of this country’s racially biased history. Voters all over the spectrum are voicing euphemisms for their objection to his skin color. Donald Kaul pointed it out beautifully in a recent column revealing the real motivation in parenthesis behind the excuses; ala he’s too risky (he’s black), he doesn’t have enough experience (he’s black), he’s a Muslim (he’s black), etc., etc.

So what if McLame named Sleeza as his running mate? What would the poor voters do then? She doesn’t have any experience (she’s black, but is he blacker?). She has the heart of vulture (she’s black, but is he blacker?). The last time she laughed was when her mother fell down the stairs (she’s black, but is he blacker?). She’s a Republican (well then, he’s blacker).

The closer we get to this election the more pessimistic I become. A few months ago I did a blog about the right wingnut who called me at home to tell me that this country isn’t ready for a black, Muslim president. I told him first, of course, that he's not a Muslim and then that it had better get ready because the time has come, but as the campaign process moves along and I hear more and more euphemisms from potential Obama voters, the more likely it seems to me that the subliminal racism of this nation combined with its fear of anyone who doubts the value of war spell sure defeat for anyone who thinks as well as he does and talks about what he thinks.

By the way, just as one final effort to convince any right leaners who might happen to read this diatribe – Obama ISN”T black. He is of mixed race – just like you and me. You may not believe in evolution, but you can’t deny that the first people to appear on this planet were NOT WASPS.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Patrick Henry

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

The reason for going was to keep the crude flowing and raise a false flag abroad. – from a poem by Jack Evans titled 3500 Souls -

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

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