Monday, August 11, 2008


While W dozed through the opening ceremonies at the Olympics a face-off of more than Olympian proportions was building between Russia and Georgia.

This morning’s email brought a most interesting message containing a blog written by
The host of this blog is a man named Timothy Alexander who has apparently assumed the titles listed even though there is no legitimization of those titles by any authority in the British Isles. In fact, according to, if he uses the titles in any official way he would open to prosecution.

The blog ( ) was loaded with details including a list of ships the U.S. and its allies have deployed to the Middle-east and the potential those deployments have as a means for kicking off a huge war over oil in that region and all the way to Georgia and Russia.

Though I have no way of verifying the military details in the blog, I think that its information about the nature of the building conflict is probably accurate. I have not found any evidence of the Israeli-Georgian oil supply agreement the discussion refers to, but Israel has been selling a lot of arms to Georgia. The bottom line issue seems to be Georgia's attempt to maintain or regain control of the two provinces that have broken off since the original break from the USSR and which are being claimed and defended by Russia. In the process the Russians are fighting against Israeli made weapons. The U.S. has an alliance with Georgia, though, and is likely to march lock-step with Israel in any way that country chooses to be involved.

The build-up of hostilities in Georgia seems reminiscent of the way a relatively obscure assassination kicked off WWII, and it is not being treated as any more important a news story than the Olympic games.

The upshot is that while our newsertainment services feed us stories about the glorious U.S. quest for Olympic gold, the world may become embroiled in a face-off that ain’t field hockey. The great fear is that the Amerikan people will go along with another (probably much bigger) war because, once again, they haven’t been paying attention.

The statements W and dick Cheney have made indicate their willingness to face off against Russia. It appears to be another variation on the missile crisis JFK faced, and the one thing we know for sure is that the enormous power now in the hands of our idiot president puts the world in even greater danger than his pre-emptive strike on Iraq.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Patrick Henry

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- M. K. Gandhi

The reason for going was to keep the crude flowing and raise a false flag abroad. – from a poem by Jack Evans titled 3500 Souls -

Individually we have little voice. Collectively we cannot be ignored.
But in silence we surrender our power. Yours in Peace -- BR

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